Inspirational Works of Art at the United Nations
The United Nations Core Human Rights Conventions
This 30-minute slide presentation showcases the beautiful sculptures and wall art on the UN property in New York City. The presentation features photographs and descriptions of over two dozen works of art, selected to highlight the theme of universal human rights and peace. All photos were taken by members of the Human Rights Special Interest Group (HR-SIG)
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
This 30-minute slide presentation provides an overview of the 17 sustainable development goals, including the targets for each one and implementation suggestions for local organizations – to Think Globally, Act Locally.
This lively 30-minute slide presentation introduces the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, followed by discussion of human rights conventions that pertain to the rights of women, children, persons from various racial groups, people with disabilities, migrant workers and their families, and persons who are incarcerated or detained.
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women
Multiple forms of discrimination continue to negatively impact women and girls. In this 30-minute slide presentation, we move from inspiration to action, highlighting these inequities and suggesting ways to uphold the human rights of women and girls in all stages and walks of life.
Turning Point in the Struggle for Women's Right to Vote
Long before the United Nations was chartered in San Francisco and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) proclaimed that the will of the people shall be by universal and equal suffrage, the struggle for women’s human right to vote was met with violence and intolerance in America. This presentation takes us from Abigail Adams’ admonishment to her husband to “Remember the Ladies” through the First Women’s Rights Convention in Seneca Falls, NY and the activist strategies in the US that led to a key turning point and the adoption of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution.
(All photos are credited to HRSIG members)